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Headline Humboldt - PhenomeCon Special with Dr. Travis Taylor
Q&A after Travis Taylor's final talk on the last day of Phenomecon in Vernal, Utah
Phenomecon 2022, closing question: "Why do you all wear the same clothes every episode?"
Headline Humboldt: September 23rd, 2022
Dr. Travis Taylor
VIP Lunch with Dr. Travis Taylor, Phenomecon in Vernal, Utah, September 8, 2022, Part 1of5
Headline Humboldt: April 15, 2022
Headline Humboldt: April 1, 2022
VIP Lunch with Dr. Travis Taylor, Phenomecon in Vernal, Utah, September 8, 2022, Part 4of5
Headline Humboldt: February 17th, 2023
Headed to Phenomecon!
VIP Lunch with Dr. Travis Taylor, Phenomecon in Vernal, Utah, September 8, 2022, Part 2of5